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Mendota Elementary PTA Roles and Responsibilities

Interested in joining the PTA but aren't sure what you can contribute? Anyone and everyone who loves Mendota and wants to support our school is welcome to join! Check out the positions below.

Open PTA positions and committees for 2024-2025:

Silent Auction/Fundraising Chair

Program and Services Chair Elect

Co-Presidents: One-year position, followed by serving a year as an informal advisor to the new Co-Presidents. Oversees all activities and serves as the primary liaison with the school and principal.

Treasurer: Two-year position that manages PTA funds. Prepares and presents financial statements and presents a year-end report.

Communications/Publicity: Two-year position that oversees website content, creates factsheets for upcoming events, and contributes to school emails.

Programs and Services: Two-year position that oversees PTA sponsored activities, communicates with and tracks volunteers, and organizes committees for school events. 

Outdoor Environment: Two-year position that oversees and coordinates volunteers for the garden, flowerpots, and forest at Mendota. Ensures success of the vegetable garden in spring and summer.

Member-at-Large (ISD 197): Two-year position that serves as a district liaison and member of the Parent Ambassador Network including delegates from other schools. Organizes Family Fun Night and Mendota spirit wear.

Secretary: One-year position that takes notes at general and board meetings.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) Committee: One-year position dedicated to planning events and programs that celebrate diversity and promote a welcoming atmosphere at Mendota. This is a responsive committee, and can shift its offerings based on the changing needs of Mendota families.  

Enrichment Committee: Manages the Enrichment program by identifying classes and instructors, developing the schedule, managing the registration process, and communicating with instructors and outside teaching partners.

Fundraising Committee: One-year position that oversees all fundraising programs that support PTA activities. Serves on major fundraising committees including silent auction and manages other sponsorships.

All positions participate in general and board PTA meetings each month.

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